Bianca Van Sittert
Bianca Van Sittert is an Egyptologist from Cape Town, South Africa. She received her BA and Hons degrees in Ancient Cultures from the University of Stellenbosch, and her MA degree in Egyptology and Coptology from the American University in Cairo (AUC). She is specialized in philology and ancient Egyptian religion, as well as digital epigraphy.
Bianca’s academic interests lie in the origins and development of ancient Egyptian religious concepts as reflected in art and texts (MA Thesis, “Maintaining Order over Chaos: A study of the ba and baw concepts in the Predynastic Period, Early Dynastic Period, and Old Kingdom”). She has worked on a number of projects in Egypt, including digitizing the reliefs and texts in the tomb of Harwa at Assasif (TT37), the Wadi el-Hudi expedition, artistic reconstructions of Tutankhamun’s leather cuirass and Middle Kingdom Nubian leather skirts from Hierakonpolis, the Colossi of Memnon and Amenhotep III Temple Conservation Project, and ARCE’s Theban Mapping Project website.