
National Museum of Egyptian Civilization (NMEC): A New Vision for Cultural Hub

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Presented by: Professor Ahmed Farouk Ghoneim

Embassy of the Arab Republic of Egypt Cultural and Educational Bureau

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  • 4:30 PM EDT
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Lecture Information: 

NMEC is a unique cultural hub, at its core is a museum, and yet is much more than just a museum. When looked at as a museum it is unique and different from other museums where it focuses on several civilizations. It is more of a cultural hub mixing different kinds of culture (art, music, etc.) with antiquities. It aims at utilizing state of the art technology to present Egyptian culture. It is also well equipped with restoration centers and labs that enable it to be one of the top research centers in the field. Adding to that it aims at mixing entertainment with cultural aspects. By all means it is a unique project not only in Egypt but as well all over the world, adding to the fact that its hosts 20 Egyptian Queen and King where no other place in the world can do this.

Ahmed Farouk Ghoneim Bio: 

Ahmed Farouk Ghoneim is currently a Professor, Faculty of Economics and Political Science, Cairo University. He is a research fellow at the Economic Research Forum for Arab Countries, Iran and Turkey (ERF) as well as at Center for Social and Economic Research (CASE) in Poland. He works as a consultant to several international and national organizations including the World Bank, WTO, UNCTAD, UNDP, and the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO). He holds a Ph.D. in Economics and his special interests in research include mainly trade policy, trade in services, regional trade integration, the multilateral trading system, the World Trade Organization, the economics of Intellectual Property Rights, institutional economics, law and economics, and political economy in which he has published widely. He held different policy oriented positions, among which was an advisor on foreign trade issues to the Minister of Foreign Trade and advisor to the Minister of Industry on foreign trade issues and international agreements. He advised several governments on different trade policy issues, and helped in capacity building programs in a number of countries. Since August 2014 he has been appointed as the Cultural Counselor for Egypt in Berlin and Vienna and the Head of the Student Mission in Germany, Austria and a number of European countries, which is a diplomatic position lasting for three years. Starting November 2018 he has been back to Egypt, as a professor of economics, Cairo University and pursuing back his research and consultancy interests. In August, 2019 he has been appointed as the head of the economic authority of the Museum of Egyptian Civilization.