FebARCE DC: Sacred Waterscapes at the Temple of Bastet at Bubastis
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Presented by: Dr. Eva Lange-Athinodorou
- 12:00 PM ETWashington, DC
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Speaker Bio
Eva Lange-Athinodorou is an assistant professor at the Institute for Egyptology at the University of Wurtzburg, Germany. She is head of the archaeological mission at Tell Basta-Bubastis, and she specializes in the geo-archaeology and cultural topography of the Nile Delta.
Lecture Information
Recent geo-archaeological research has shown that temple sites of the riverine landscape of the Nile Delta were embedded in rich waterscapes formed by the lakes, streams, and canals of the natural local hydro-geography. Of special importance is the famous temple of Bastet at Bubastis, which provides a perfect case study. There we see a rich textual record of the mythological concepts of its feline goddess as well as new and exciting insights into the appearance of the sacred waterscapes of her divine dwelling and its use during religious festivals.