Kerry Muhlestein
Kerry Muhlestein is a Professor of Ancient Scripture/Ancient Near Eastern Studies at Brigham Young University, where he has served as the associate chairman of his department. Before that, he was in a joint position in the departments of Religion and History at Brigham Young University – Hawaii. He has also taught for two years at the BYU Jerusalem Center for Near Eastern Studies, and has been a Senior Fellow at the Albright Institute for Archaeological Research, and a Visiting Fellow at the University of Oxford. He has served as Vice President of the Society for the Study of Egyptian Antiquities and as a co-chair for the Egyptian Archaeology Session of the American Schools of Overseas Research. He is the director of the BYU Egypt Excavation Project, where they work on a 4th Dynasty pyramid and a Graeco-Roman cemetery in the Fayoum. He has consulted on archaeological projects in Egypt, Israel, and Jordan. He has lectured and published on Egyptological topics internationally in both academic and lay venues.