Julia Troche
Dr. Julia Troche is currently the director of undergraduate studies and teaches in the Department of History at Missouri State University. She specializes in courses on ancient Egypt, the ancient Near East, archaeology and ancient history, world history, and sometimes Middle Egyptian hieroglyphs. She co-founded both the American Research Center in Egypt, Missouri Chapter (where she serves as vice president) and the annual Missouri Egyptological Symposium. Her first book, published with Cornell University Press in 2021, is titled “Death, Power and Apotheosis in Ancient Egypt: The Old and Middle Kingdoms” and explores the social, religious and political ramifications of the deification of certain special dead. Her research also explores material culture (e.g. funerary cones and epigraphic graffiti studies), education in ancient Egypt, contemporary pedagogies of teaching ancient history and Egyptomania—the obsession and appropriation of ancient Egypt throughout history. She is committed to advocating for students, early career scholars, and contingent faculty, and fostering inclusive spaces for learning about the ancient world. Dr. Troche received her PhD in Egyptology & Assyriology from Brown University in 2015, and her BA in History from UCLA in 2008.